“Sync for Japan” is an audio-visual exhibition with 35 iPads distributed throughout a venue so as to completely surround visitors. Visitors are free to touch and create music on any of the iPads, and their actions are synchronized with all of the other iPads. Visitors can also download the exhibited app from the App Store to their own iPhone, iPod touch or iPad device and use it to create music; this too will be synchronized with the exhibited iPads.
This exhibition consists of two apps, “MINI-COMPOSER” and “MINI-TABLEAU”, which are alternately displayed on the exhibited iPads. MINI-COMPOSER is a simple 16-step sequencer with basic waveforms and drum loops. Users can play music by placing notes on a grid. It is possible to send notes to all devices or to change notes randomly. MINI-TABLEAU is a visualizer that synchronizes with MINI-COMPOSER. It presents what appears to be a still picture, but is in fact an animation that repeats in a short-term visual loop.
Sync for Japan is a spatial musical performance machine that surrounds the audience with a rich audio-visual experience. Furthermore, as the app can function either with or without a network connection, audience members can enjoy this work even after leaving the venue. Thus while collective music generated by numerous devices has its charm, music can still be made with just one device.
“Sync for Japan” and its app “MINI-COMPOSER” have been presented free of charge. The creators ask that audience members consider donating to lend a helping hand to the people who have suffered due to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.
Sync for Japan は35台のiPadによる音楽と映像の展覧会で、会場の中で取り囲むように設置されます。来場者はiPadに自由に触れて演奏することが可能であり、すべてのiPadは同期して動作します。また、来場者は自分のiPhoneやiPod touch、iPadにApp Storeからアプリをダウンロードして演奏に参加することもでき、その演奏も会場のiPadに同期します。
Sync for Japanは人々を取り囲む空間的な演奏装置であり、豊かな音楽と映像の体験を作り出します。さらにこの作品は展覧会場を離れても楽しむことができます。それはネットワークを通じて、あるいはネットワークなしでも鑑賞者は独自にアプリを演奏できるからです。多数のデバイスによる集合的な音楽も魅力的であり、たった1台のデバイスでじっくりと音楽を作ることもできます。
なお、Sync for Japan とそのアプリのひとつであるMINI-COMPOSERは東日本大震災の被害者への支援を呼びかけて、無償で公開されています。