
赤松 正行(あかまつ まさゆき) 博士(美術)



これまでの作品には、50台のコンピュータによって音と映像を提示する「incubator」、鑑賞者の時間体験をリアルタイムに映像化する「Time Machine!」、画像解析を駆使した映像音響による即興ダンス「陶製の身体」、星と観察者の相互作用を映像化する「タレスの刻印」などがある。ソロやセッションによる演奏活動、および「2061:Maxオデッセイ」や「iOSの教科書」などの著作も多数ある。

近年はモビリティとリアリティをテーマとして、テクノロジーがもたらす人と社会への影響の考察に取り組んでいる。開発したiOS用アプリは「Decision」など50個以上、visionOS用アプリは「Spatial Poetry」など10個以上に及び、App Storeで公開している。これらは数十台のiPhoneによる展覧会「Okeanos Buoys」や、ARを応用した「セカイカメラ」、「ARアート・ミュージアム」、そしてウェアラブル・デバイス「雰囲気メガネ」などへと展開している。

また身体を拡張するテクノロジーとして自転車に注目し、日常的なサイクリングから社会的な考察や批評に至るまで多面的に活動している。これには自転車へのメディア・テクノロジーの転用や危機的な場所を巡るツーリングなどが含まれる。その成果はWEBサイト「Critical Cycling」にまとめており、公開している記事は1,000編近くに及んでいる。

1984 神戸大学文学部哲学科心理学専攻を卒業
1984 神戸市役所に入庁、社会福祉主事に就任
1997 岐阜県立国際情報科学芸術アカデミー(IAMAS)准教授に就任
2002 岐阜県立国際情報科学芸術アカデミー(IAMAS)教授に就任
2006 京都市立芸術大学大学院美術研究科を修了、博士(美術)取得
2011 情報科学芸術大学院大学(IAMAS)教授に就任 2021


Masayuki Akamatsu, Doctor of Arts

Born in Hyogo Prefecture in Japan in 1961. Media Artist. He graduated from Kobe University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Philosophy, Majoring in Psychology. After working as a social worker at Kobe City Hall, he became an assistant professor at the International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS) in 1997. He has been a professor since 2002. In 2006, he received his Doctorate of Arts from the Graduate School of Arts, Kyoto City University of Arts. Since 2011, he has been a professor at the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS), and is currently the dean of the Institute. He is also the leader of “Critical Cycling”.

He began producing music using electronics in his teens, and began using computers in the 1980s, expanding his scope of production to include not only music but also various forms of media such as video and networks. In particular, he was interested in expanding the possibilities of people and media, focusing on the relationship between the work and the participants and the autonomy of the work itself.

Past works include “Incubator” which uses 50 computers to present sound and images, “Time Machine!” which visualizes the viewer’s time experience in real time, and “Earthen Bodied Augur” composed of audiovisual technology that uses image analysis to generate an improvised dance, and “Thales’ Engraving” which visualizes the interaction between stars and an observer. He has worked on solo and session performances, and has written many books such as “2061: Max Odyssey” and “iOS Textbook”.

In recent years, he has focused on the themes of mobility and reality, examining the impact brought about by technology on people and society. He has developed over 50 iOS apps, including “Decision,” and over 10 visionOS apps, including “Spatial Poetry,” which are available on the App Store. Projects include “Okeanos’ Buoys”, an exhibition featuring dozens of iPhones, “Sekai Camera” and “AR Art Museum” which uses AR, and a wearable device called “FUN’IKI Ambient Glasses.”

He also focuses on the bicycle as a technology that acts as an extension of the body, and his activities range from everyday cycling to social considerations and criticisms. Within this, it also includes repurposing media technology to bicycles and touring around critical locations. The results are summarized on the website “Critical Cycling,” and nearly 1,000 articles have been published.

1984 – Graduated from Kobe University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Philosophy, Majoring in Psychology
1984 – Became employed at Kobe City Hall and became a social worker
1997 – Appointed associate professor at the International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS)
2002 – Appointed professor at the International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences
2006 – Completed postgrad at the Graduate School of Arts, Kyoto City University of Arts and received his Doctorate of Arts
2011 – Appointed as a professor at the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS)
2021 – Appointed as Dean of the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences


Activities Shortlist

2023 Installation “Thales’ Engraving @ Fujihashi Castle”, Gifu, Japan
2023 Installation “Boundaries of Flowers blooming on this ground”, Fukushima, Japan
2023 Research “Dark Touring”, Fukushima etc., Japan

2022 Installation “Thales’ Engraving”, Tokyo, Japan
2022 Installation “Prehistoric [Kofun-period] Bicycle”, Ikeda, Japan
2022 Research “Practical Cycling”, Shimanami etc., Japan

2021 Presentation “Connecting Bubbles”, Gwangju, South Korea
2021 Exhibition “Selected artworks from ARART”, Tokyo, Japan
2021 Event “Hybrid groud ride”, online, worldwie

2020 Event “Newtype group picnic”, online, worldwie
2020 Event “Newtype groud ride”, online, worldwie
2020 Application “LocAR”, Hida, Japan

2019 Exhibition “Yoro Art Picnic 2019”, Yoro, Japan
2019 Event “Cooktail Bicycle”, Nagoya, Japan
2019 Installation “Vanishing Ride”, Ogaki, Japan

2018 Exhibition “Yoro Art Picnic 2018”, Yoro, Japan
2018 Installation “Re-cycling Wheel/Roue de re-cyclage”, Yoro, Japan
2018 Exhibition “AR Wonderland”, Sendai, Japan

2017 Exhibition “Yoro Art Picnic 2017”, Yoro, Japan
2017 Exhibition “AR Wonderland”, Nagoya, Japan
2017 Articles “Critical Cycling”, Ogaki, Japan

2016 Exhibition “Critical Cycling”, Ogaki, Japan
2016 Exhibition “AR Art Museum”, Sendai, Japan
2016 Performance “Kafka-chanz on the table”, Eugene, USA

2015 Exhibition “Hashima: Lights and Shadows”, Hashima, Japan
2015 Exhibition “Kafka-chanz at the window”, Ogaki, Japan
2015 Exhibition “Art of Life”, Ogaki, Japan

2014 Exhibition “ARART in Slovenia”, Trbovlje, Slovenia
2014 Exhibition “amana x ARART”, London, England
2014 Product “FUN’IKI Ambient Glasses”, Barcelona, Spain

2013 Exhibition “AR Museum – Seeing Object Moving”, Tokyo, Japan
2013 Exhibition “ARART Double Sense”, Seoul, Korea
2013 Exhibition “Double Sense”, Kobe, Japan

2012 Exhibition “Uroboros Torch”, Sapporo, Japan
2012 Exhibition “Secret Emotions”, Stuttgart, Germany
2012 Performance “ATOMxGALAXIESxEP-4”, Tokyo, Japan

2011 Exhibition “Sync for Japan”, Kyoto, Japan
2011 Exhibition “Okeanos Buoys II”, Kyoto, Japan
2011 Exhibition “ATOMxGALAXIESxSSQ”, Seoul, Korea

2010 Exhibition “Okeanos Buoys”, Incheon, Korea
2010 Exhibition “Masayuki Akamatsu”, Kyoto, Japan
2010 Workshop “Space Algorithm”, Ogak, Japan

2009 Exhibition “Soulfood”, Schorndrof, Germany
2009 Exhibition “Snowflakes”, Hong Kong, China
2009 Book “iPhone SDK Textbook”, Tokyo, Japan

2008 Performance “Snowflakes”, Shanghai, China
2008 iPhone Application “SekaCamera”, San Francisco, USA
2008 iPhone Applications, App Store, Worldwide

2007 Exhibition “Characters”, Berlin, Germany
2007 Performance “CAMP07”, Stuttgart, Germany
2007 Exhibition “ATOMxGALAXIES”, Seoul, Korea

2006 Performance “ISEA”, San Jones, USA
2006 Performance “NIME”, Paris, France
2006 Exhibition “Takeway Festival”, London, UK

2005 Performance :Isoho-monogatari”, Kobe, Japan
2005 Exhibition “Golden Numbers”, Seoul, Korea
2005 Exhibition “TIME MACHINE!”, Kobe, Japan

2004 Exhibition “Time Machine! at Ars Electronica Festival”, Linz, Austria
2004 Performance “ISEA”, Helsinki, Finland
2004 Performance “IFAT”, Taipei, Taiwan

2003 Performance “Carl Stone + Masayuki Akamatsu Duo Tour”, Fukuoka, etc.,Japan
2003 Exhibition “Time As Media”, Tokyo, Japan
2003 Performance “Robotic Music”, Kobe, Japan

2002 Exhibition “Time Machine! at ISEA”, Nagoya, Japan
2002 Exhibition “Video Topique”, Strasbourg, France
2002 Performance “Trans Max Night”, Kobe, Tokyo, Japan

2001 Performance “Media Art Festival”, Hamamatsu, Japan
2000 Exhibition “Hon’ami Koetsu Exhibition”, Philadelphia, USA
1999 Exhibition “incubator”, Kobe, Japan
1998 Exhibition “infodepot”, Ogaki, Tokyo, Japan
1997 Exhibition “World Remix”, Kobe, Japan
1996 Performance “ManMade”, Nishinomiya, Japan
1995 Exhibition “soundtronics”, Tokyo, Kyoto, Japan

[Activities Full List]


2011 “iOS Textbook” /「iOSの教科書」, Wook/Puboo
2009 “Max Textbook” /「Maxの教科書」, Rittor Music,Inc.
2009 “iPhone SDK Textbook” /「iPhone SDKの教科書」, Shuwa System
2008 “iPhone and Android” /「iPhoneの本質 Androidの真価」, Nikkei BP
2006 “2061:Max Odyssey” /「2061:Maxオデッセイ」, Rittor Music,Inc.
2005 “The Jitter Book” /「The Jitter Book」, Cameo Interactive
2004 “The Max Book” /「The Max Book」, Cameo Interactive
2003 “Mac OS X Pocket Reference” /「Mac OS X ポケットリファレンス」, Gijutsu-Hyohron Co., Ltd.
2002 “200CDs for Techno/Electronica” /「200CD テクノ/エレクトロニカ」Rippu Shobo Publishing Co., Ltd.
2002 “Macintosh Terminology Dictionary” /「Macintosh最新なんでも用語辞典」, Gijutsu-Hyohron Co., Ltd.
2002 “Cocoa+Java” /「Cocoa+Java~Mac OS Xプログラミング」, Kobunsha
2001 “Trans Max Express” /「トランスMaxエクスプレス」Rittor Music,Inc.
2000 “Mac OS Pocket Referemce” /「Mac OS ポケットリファレンス」, Gijutsu-Hyohron Co., Ltd.
1996 “Visual Programming with Prograph CPX” /「Prograph CPXによるビジュアルプログラミング入門」, Gijutsu-Hyohron Co., Ltd.
1996 “Magical Max Tour” /「マジカルMaxツアー」, D’Art
1995 “Visual Architecht!” /「Visual Architect!」, D’Art
1995 “HyperTalk 2.4 Reference” /「HyperTalk 2.3活用リファレンス」, Gijutsu-Hyohron Co., Ltd.
1994 “Code Resource” /「コードリソース」, BNN
1994 “Macintosh Hardware” /「マックのハードがわかる本」, Gijutsu-Hyohron Co., Ltd.
1993 “Multimedia Programming” /「マルチメディア・プログラミング」, BNN
1992 “Macintosh Amusement Bible”「Macintosh Amusement Bible」, Gijutsu-Hyohron Co., Ltd.