iPhone Developer Program
iPhone Developer University Program 高等教育機関向けの無料プログラム
Works with iPhone Dockコネクタを使用するアクセサリ用のプログラム(要加入)
iPod and iPhone Icons iPodとiPhoneを表す公式アイコン(要使用許諾)
Marketing Resources App Storeバッジ、iPhoneなどの製品画像、iTunesへのリンクなど
Dimensional Drawings iPhone、iPad、iPodのハードウェアの外形寸法(ケース設計用)
iPod, iPad and iPhone iOS Firmware Downloads iPhone、iPad、iPod touch、iPod、Apple TV用の歴代ファームウェアのダウンロード・リンク集
iPhone | Where To Download iPhone Firmware Files From iPhone用の歴代ファームウェアのダウンロード・リンク集
iPod touch | Where to Download iPod touch Firmware Files iPod touch用の歴代ファームウェアのダウンロード・リンク集
iPad | Where To Download iPad Firmware Files From iPad用の歴代ファームウェアのダウンロード・リンク集
Old versions of iPhone SDK 歴代SDKのダウンロード・リンク集
Graphics Templetes
App Icon Template アプリ・アイコンのPhotoshopテンプレート
iPhone 4 icon PSD file アプリ・アイコンのPhotoshopテンプレート
iPhone Configuration Utility / iPhone構成ユーティリティ
iPhone Configuration Utility lets you easily create, maintain, encrypt, and push configuration profiles, track and install provisioning profiles and authorized applications, and capture device information including console logs.
iPhone Configuration Utility 2.0 for Mac OS X
iPhone Configuration Utility 2.0 for Windows
PhoneFinger transforms your Mac’s mouse cursor into a realistic simulated human finger for testing and demoing iPhone applications and websites.
PhoneFinger Web Site
記事: PhoneFingerで指出現
LiveView is a specialized remote screen viewing application intended as a tool to help designers create graphics for mobile applications, it has also proven to be useful for creating quick and dirty simulations, demos, and experience prototypes.
LiveView Web Site
記事: iPhoneとMacの画面をライブ表示
ScreenSplitr is an iPhone app that lets you see your iPhone screen on a TV or a Computer while still being able to see and interact with the iPhone.
DemoGod is an application (based on iPhoney) that allows you to display a live screen of your iPhone directly on your Mac. It’s ideal to demo iPhone apps to large audiences live thus the name ;-).
ScreenSplit Web Site
DemoGod Web Site
記事: iPhoneとMacの画面をライブ表示
Max is an application for creating high-quality audio files in various formats, from compact discs or files.