“Okeanos Buoys” was shown at:
The exhibition “INDAF2010”
Period: September 1st – September 30th, 2010
Place: Tomorrow City (Incheon, Korea)
Produced by Masayuki Akamatsu
Curated by Suhjung Hur
Cooperated with Hyunjung Woo, Byeonwon Ha, Yusuke Kawabata, Junpei Wada (soneru), Yutaka Kitamura (soneru/rudesign), Ikeda Industries Co.,Ltd., Kei Shiratori
“Okeanos Play” is a concert version of “Okeanos Buoys” and was performed at:
The concert “INDAF2010 Opening Performance”
Date: September 2nd, 2010
Place: Tomorrow City (Incheon, Korea)
Performed by Masayuki Akamatsu and the audience
You can download and play an iPhone application “Okeanos” at the App Store, which was used at the exhibition/concert.
Okeanos Buoys consists of:
iPhone Application (“Okeanos“), Server Application,
iPhone x 40, Wi-Fi router, High-speed Internet Connection, Application Server (Google App Engine),
iPhone Hanging Structure (Acrylic acid resin holder, Steel weight, Nylon string, Screw Hook) x 40
iPhone Hanging Set (3 sets)
iPhone Hanging Structure (PDF)
Network Diagram (PDF)
Artist’s Statement
Okeanos Buoys ~ One Billion of Lights and Sounds
Masayuki Akamatsu
Okeanos (or Oceanus) was the God of Ocean in Greek mythology and was personified as an ocean stream. In the mythology, the world was believed to be a large disk and continents were surrounded by the sea where Okeanos, a stream of ocean, moved around. A buoy is a marker or a tool which is floating on the water. It can be a small tool for a fishing or a big construction to anchor a ship. It must not be only fixed at a certain point but can also drift for an investigation of a stream.
As being associated with those meanings, this artwork “Okeanos Buoys” is designed as a marker, a beacon or an observatory for the world surrounding us today. To be brief, Okeanos in this work is an electronic information network and Buoys are electronic devices as nodes of the network. The network and the nodes are just a convenient mechanism we can use easily, but they reflect our view of the world and the ideal method of our society.
There will be numerous small devices which send lights and sounds in a dark exhibition venue. They are sensing circumstances around them and sending informations to the other devices through the network. Each device decides its action regarding the information it is carrying in relation to the information of the other devices. They will always cause a new output because the network is open and they are taking and releasing a new information.
In addition, the network is connected to the internet and communicates with computers/devices all over the world. And the device being used in Okeanos Buoys is a very common daily device and the software can be installed by downloading online. Thus this work can be executed not only by the author but also by the audience. It is not limited to a specific exhibition venue and can be expanded to the whole wold.
Such a kind of art form is causing various difficulties and problems. For example, this work is far beyond an traditional sense of values concerning the point of the originality of an artwork, the rule of an author, the speciality of an exhibition, the recognition through an audience and so on. We don’t have to mind conventional values but we have to find new alternatives. Because this work is reflecting strongly our mobile internet society today and we are asked for a new feeling and a new interaction in a new world.
One of the reasons why I am fascinated by the possibilities of mobile devices is that they are in contact with our bodies physically and sensually. They are, so to speak, our internal combustion engine. A mobile artwork reaches the audience directly, and even more, it becomes one with the audience. The interaction between artworks is exactly our communication. This could be a big advantage against traditional equipments such as a television and a computer.
Moreover, giving full play to our imaginations, it’s possible for a billion devices in the world to produce lights and sounds communicating with each other. No one has experienced such a large scale audio visual phenomena but it’s completely possible now. That is to say, Okeanos Buoys is the first beacon and observatory to realize a billion of lights and sounds.
オケアノスのブイ 〜 10億の光と音
このような言葉の意味から連想されるように、本作「Okeanos Buoys」は、私たちを取り巻く世界に穿たれた標識や投光器、あるいは観測装置として構想された。端的に言えば、この作品におけるOkeanosとは電子情報ネットワークであり、Buoyとはネットワークのノードである電子デバイスである。もちろん、電子的なネットワークやノードは手軽に利用できる便利な仕組みに過ぎないが、これらは実際には我々の世界観や社会の在り方を反映している。
また、このネットワークはインターネットに繋がっており、世界中のコンピュータやデバイスと情報を遣り取りすることができる。さらに、Okeanos Buoysで用いるデバイスはありふれた日常品であり、そのソフトウェアはオンラインで入手してインストールすることができる。つまり、この作品は作家だけではなく、観客によっても実行可能であり、特定の展覧会場に限定されず、全世界へと作品を拡張することができる。
さらに、想像をたくましくすれば、例えば10億台のデバイスが相互に情報交換しながら、世界中で光を放ち、音を奏でることも可能だ。そのような大規模な映像的かつ音響的な現象は誰も体験したことはないだろうが、それは今や実現可能である。言い換えれば、Okeanos Buoysは10億個の光と音に向けて設置される最初の標識であり、それを探るための観測装置であろうとしている。
WebマガジンAMeeT「オケアノスにブイを放って」by 赤松正行
Pictures by Leo Kikuchi
ピンバック: 9/1〜9/30はインチョンで展覧会 « akalogue
ピンバック: オケアノスにブイは放たれたか? « akalogue
ピンバック: 小さな作曲家の物語 « akalogue