“This app literally saved my life. I was stuck on the Himalayers and got lost in a snowdrift. This AMAZING app saved me and directly me home like a little dog thank you for saving my life!!!!!!! Just thought you wanted to know my tragic but exciting story!!!!” (from App Store reviews)
Compass is a a measuring instrument which indicates the cardinal points under the sunlight. All iOS devices (including The new Retina iPad) are supported natively.
「このアプリは私の命を文字通り救ってくれました。私はヒマラヤで雪の吹きだまりで道に迷い、立ち往生していました。その時この素晴らしいアプリが私を救ってくれたのです。ちょうど小さな犬のように、家への道を指し示してくれたからです。命を救ってくれてありがとう!!!!!!! 大変な悲劇になりそうでしたが、実際には感動的な物語になりました!!!!」(App Storeのレビューより)
Compassは太陽の光の下で方角を知ることができる計測器です。新しいRetina iPadを含めてすべてのiOSデバイスをネイティブにサポートしています。
Not activating or getting loaded.icon is showing waiting but not disappearing. Bad for apple products
Not getting loaded. Bad for apple products
Shashikant, Which version of OS and which model of iPhone/iPod touch are you using.
App not fully downloaded … though indicates as being installed.
It’s not loading it says waiting.
Hi Alan and Prema, It works fine on my iPhone 4. Where are you living in ? It might be a problem of iAd which is not available in my country (Japan).
Pls. can u tell me how can i download compas help me
Hi Promod, Compass Free is an iOS app. You can download it for free from App Store (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch) and/or iTunes (Mac/PC).