Using a Wi-Fi LAN
You can connect your Mac and your iPhone via Wi-Fi LAN if it exists.
Setup your Mac
1. Open “Network” Preference.
2. Choose “AirPort” or “AirMac” in the list.
3. Choose the existing Wi-Fi netowrk in “Network Name” pop-up menu. ex. “akaMitExpress” in this case.
4. Click “Advanced…” button.
5. Setup TCP/IP according to the LAN you are using.
6. Confirm your Mac’s IP Address. ex. “” in this case.
Setup your iPhone
1. Open Settings application.
2. Choose “Wi-Fi” item.
3. Turn “Wi-Fi” on.
4. Choose your Mac. ex. “akaMitExpress” in this case.
5. Tap “Arrow” button on the right side of the item.
6. Setup IP Address according to the LAN you are using.
7. Confirm your iPhone’s IP Address. ex. “” in this case.
Setup RemokonMonitor (on Mac)
1. Open “RemokonMonitor” application (or any host application).
2. Set your iPhone’s IP Address in “iPhone IP Address” field. ex. “” in this case.
Setup Your Remokon (on iPhone)
1. Open “Remokon” application.
2. Tap “Gear” icon on the top bar.
3. Set your Mac’s IP Address in “Host Address” ex. “” in this case.
Using a Built-in AirPort
When you can’t use a Wi-Fi LAN, you can make your Mac’s built-in AirPort as a Wi-Fi Basestation. Then you can connect your iPhone to your Mac.
Setup your Mac
1. Open “Network” Preference.
2. Choose “AirPort” or “AirMac” in the list.
3. Choose “Create Network…” in “Network Name” pop-up menu.
4. Set your Mac’s Name. ex. “akaMBP3” in this case.
5. Click “OK” button.
6. Click “Advanced…” button.
7. Click “TCP/IP” tab.
8. Choose “Manually” in “Configuration IPv4” pop-up menu.
9. Set your Mac’s IP address. ex. “”
10. Set your Mac’s Subnet Mask. ex. “”
11. Click “OK” button.
Setup your iPhone
1. Open Settings application.
2. Choose “Wi-Fi” item.
3. Turn “Wi-Fi” on.
4. Choose your Mac. ex. “akaMBP3” in this case.
5. Tap “Arrow” button on the right side of the item.
6. Choose “Static” in “IP Address” control.
7. Set your iPhone’s IP Address. ex. “” in this case.
8. Set your iPhone’s Subnet Mask. ex. “” in this case.
Setup RemokonMonitor (on Mac)
1. Open “RemokonMonitor” application (or any host application).
2. Set your iPhone’s IP Address in “iPhone IP Address” field. ex. “” in this case.
Setup Your Remokon (on iPhone)
1. Open “Remokon” application.
2. Tap “Gear” icon on the top bar.
3. Set your Mac’s IP Address in “Host Address” ex. “” in this case.
i set all correct, but the connection doesn’t work.
Hi lglollo, Would you show me your settings ? (upload screenshots, etc.)
now it’s ok, thanks. I also set the ip of the router, and then ran. thanks anyway
hello, I bought Remokon on appstore, download remokon monitor and try to set an air port connection but I couldnt do it, I was looking for help but I saw only help for iPhone and iPad and I have an iPod first generation, can you please help me?
Hi Eduardo, Sorry for my delaying. (I don’t know why but I was not notified to your post.) I think the iPod first generation will work as same as iPhone. Let me know screenshots of your setup screens if you still have a trouble. Thank you.
hello, I’m having trouble getting this to work with Ableton Live, I have it working on my ipod and through the monitor, but when I go to use it in ableton nothing happens,
Hello Brennan, Ableton Live dose not support OSC directly. Therefore you have to use a OSC-to-MIDI converter such as i3L.
so it can only work if it is jailbroken? I was able to get the max for live remokon monitor patch
Hi Brennan, You don’t have to jailbreak your iPhone. Remokon works on a normal iPhone/iPod touch.
OSC Remokonをmaxで使い楽しませていただいてます。
久保さん、2台のMacをお使いで、10.7では動くけれど、10.5では動かない、ということですか? もしそうなら、Maxまたは10.5の問題ということになりますね。2台のMacでMax同士の通信はできていますか? はっきりとした原因は思い当たらないのですが、いろいろと条件を変えて原因を特定できないでしょうか?
maxの問題でexternalのosc route が必要なのではと思い、externalに入れたのですが、ダメでした。
あとmax windowにvexpr: doesn’t understand “storage.json”とでます。
久保さん、osc-routeは使っていないので関係ないと思います。vexprにstorage.jsonと出るのも変ですね。10.7で動くのであれば、10.5も10.7にアップデートされてはいかがでしょうか? 私は10.5を使っていないので、挙動を確認していませんが…