Paid Apps
iOS camera remote shooting using OSC
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Message banner like a LED matrix display
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Banner for iPad
Message banner like a LED matrix display (iPad only)
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CuriousClock for iPad / 辻褄時計 for iPad
Curious but punctual clock (iPad only)
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Decoration viewer for live camera image.
[App Store]
Feedback delay machine for live microphone audio
[App Store]
Playing the Gangsa, a traditional music instrument in Bali
[App Store]
Gengou / 元号
Gregorian/Japanese year system converter
[App Store]
Various image processor for live camera image
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Cloud-oriented audio-visial musical instrument
[App Store]
Audio oscillator of basic waveforms.
[App Store]
PunCtualock / 辻褄時計
Curious but punctual clock
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Raindrops for iPad
Graphical musical instrument with network collaboration
[App Store]
Remokon for OSC
OSC (OpenSound Control) message controller
OSC (OpenSound Control)メッセージ・コントローラ
[App Store] [More Info]
Slide Rule / 計算尺
Slide rule (an analog computer) simulator
[App Store]
Remote photo shooting by accelerometer, timer, sound, etc.
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Slit scan image generator for live camera image
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Rhythmical image transformer for live camera image
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Free Apps
A simple music sequencer
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Alarm Free
[App Store]
Banner Free
[App Store]
Compass Free
[App Store]
Gengou Free
[App Store]
picocalc Free
[App Store]
T4Two Free
[App Store]
TapTheBeat Free
[App Store]
Yes|No Free
[App Store]
「iPhone SDKの教科書」掲載アプリ
[App Store]
[App Store]
[App Store]
[App Store]
[App Store]
[App Store]
Halo sir, sorry to disturb you.
I am a freelance programmer, interested to learn and know about submitting our apps to appstore.
I already searched reference about it, but i can’t find the information regarding term of payment by apple. By what ? Local bank transfer, cheques, or others ? Are there any minimum amount to get the money ? Are there any problems which you got so far .. ?
I really appreciate your kind help and replies.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks and Regards,
Have you been a member of iPhone Developer Program (US$99) ?
If so, check FAQs in iTunes connect.
It’s a local bank transfer. The minimum payment is US$250. No problem for me.
Thanks for your answer …
No, i haven’t. I just registered to be a free member. I wanna know the details before spend some expenses, lol 😀
Hi! is the aka remote app for iphone discontinued? I have been trying to re install it on my ipod touch now that i updated to the 2.2.1 version and i can’t find it in the installer nor anywhere.. 🙁
Now I regret updating your aplication was so cool and usefull. Please let me know if it’s still aveilable..
.thank you for your time.. cheers!
akaRemote for iPhone 2.x is not available. I have no time to work for it at this time. Sorry.
Banner is great, everyone who sees it wants it or downloads it. Any chance of adding “mirror” view to it, so you can read the display in a mirror? That would be great for people to read in their car’s rear-view mirror. Thanks!
Banner works great! How do you access the special characters to put them in the banner?
Draw a text (including special characters) on a bitmap image and read pixels.
Same question as above. How do I insert special character?
stefn, if you are using “Banner Free”, download “Banner” (US$ 0.99).
Men iam wondering what happened to the aka.remote app i have red that you have no time to work on it but at the time i didn’t saw any complains about the app you made earlier.
Hope you can upload the app soon cause i really want it for the i3l MIDI Bridge i think you know what it is
Blooper, I’m still busy with another projects and/but ….
But…. :O?
We are not expecting a new version we only want the app again.
Hope you understand and we/i really appreciate your job.
Compass Free appears to be off by about 90° – East actually points approximately North.
Is there any settings in the iPod Touch I can modify to correct this?
I wish to check it up. Would yo send me the screen shot, the picture, the time and the location to masayukiakamatsu[atmark] ? Thank you.
bought banner 1.3 – don’t know how to switch english language…
Dab, what do you mean by that ?
i mean the interface language – would like to change it to english
Dab, I believe Banner 1.3 will show its interface in English if your language is none-Japanese. I checked it just now with English, French and German. (Maybe you know you can set your language at Home -> Settings -> General -> International -> Language.)
Hi Masayuki,
I have the same problem as Dab. My language setting is french. But the app settings shows the interface in japanese. How can we turn it in english (or french but the appstore doesn’t mention it)?
Thanks for helping and fixing this if necessary.
Thank you for your report, Yves. I re-downloaded Banner 1.3 from App Store again and re-installed it. Then I re-check it with French but the settings was shown in English ( No French resources, sorry). I did it on iPhone OS 3.0 for iPhone 3GS and both on OS 2.2.1 and 3.0 for iPhone 3G. Which model and OS are you using ? Would you send your “Banner 1.3.ipa” to “masayukiakamatsu [at]”. You can find it in yourhome > Music > iTunes > Mobile Applications (if you use Mac).
Dab and Yves, for the time being, please refer to
Can you say when Snappy for iPhone v3.0 will be ready?
I hope it will be released with iPhone OS 3.1. Maybe Apple would not allow such applications for OS 3.0.
I just purchased Banner 1.3. I have a couple of questions. How do you use the emoticons? I press them and nothing happens. Can you explain what upside down mode is? I turn it on and nothing happens. And finally, under appearance, what is hue, saturation and alpha. Thanks!!
Hi Gloria,
> How do you use the emoticons? I press them and nothing happens.
Tap the message field and then tap the emoticon button.
>Can you explain what upside down mode is?
Upside down ON: the message is scrolled from the receiver side to the home button side.
Upside down OFF: the message is scrolled from the home button side to the receiver side.
>And finally, under appearance, what is hue, saturation and alpha.
You can set the color of dots with those sliders.
Thank you and enjoy!
hello :
I just wondering that when is the “Snappy” APP going to release a update for OS 3.0
Hi Johnny,
Maybe it will be soon after the release of OS 3.1. September?
Sorry for your patience.
Masayuki, thanks a lot for the great banner app, I really love it 😉 Yesterday I was dj-ing in a store where they had lots of mirrors and the app made us laugh a lot with the mirrored mode.
Is there a way that you could use the iphone’s mic to let the texts blink according to the beat of the surrounding music? this would be massive!!! cheers from Austria! Gallo
Hi Gallo, It’s a nice idea. Maybe I can implement it in the next version.
i have bought all the midi applications and all of them have no comparison to your aka remote please make the time i will buy it all my producers who use my studio were amazed and were interested in purchasing please email me and let me know when and if it will be avalable
I have no actual plan to release akaRemote in App Store at this time. Sorry for that. But…
BTW, akaRemote is not a MIDI application but a OSC application.
very nice application, thanks for sharing.
i would like to see oscillator program with two variable outputs, i would like to be able to change the frequency on both left and right channel independently:- eg 500khz right channel and 250khz left channel as i experiment with lasers and it is very helpful to have two output signals that are adjustable.
regards Chris Mc
> chrismc
Use two iPhones at this time 😉 But your idea is interesting.
Hi bro, you have to post the akaremote at appstore asap. This is the best iphone/touch controller for live!!!. A lot of pads, faders and others. Why you don´t talk with ableton and develop somethig serious?. Anothers apps are ugly for me. Bye!
> Nino
Thanks. I’ve submitted it recently. Stay in tune.
Hi Masayuki
I purchased Gengou. Its a cool app, which is really usefull to me. Thank you!
>Stefan You’re very welcome.
ピンバック: Fairfield. » 私の iPhone アプリ 2ページ目
ピンバック: iPST#5-Pile: これまでの写真合成アプリとは似つかぬ「イメージ重ね」の妙あり。無料。554
ピンバック: iPhoneアプリで稼げるのか?2
ピンバック: 元号: 歴男・歴女必携?西暦と元号を変換するアプリ。1977
Hi. I purchased the Snappy from iPhone App store for my 3GS. However, when i tap the pause or setting icon, it exit the program and go to Iphone main screen. Pls email me. thank you.
I’ll email you, Alvin.
[NOTE] The problem was solved after he restarted his iPhone.
Hi. I purchased Timetracks slit scan camera. Everything works great except the additional scan modes. I only get the default single direction one working no matter what I pick. Model is a 3G. Some nice apps you have here.
clickykbd, Thank you for using Timetracks. I checked it with my 3G and it works properly. Maybe my explanation was not good: “Scan movement” does not means the image displaying(moving) direction but it means the image scanning direction. You will see the difference in the produced image. Is it clear ? Let me know if I misunderstand your problem.
Once banner is downloaded how do u insert into text-no instructions.
> Mark
1. Tap the screen. The settings will appeare.
2. Tap the message (one of first five items). The message field will be editable and the keyboard will appear. You can edit the message.
3. Tap the checkbox to turn the message on (if not).
4. Tap “Done” button on the top bar.
Thank you.